Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My week

I am happy. I have done well this week! I haven't had any of the crankies that I was worried about. I have had some emotional issues, but I don't think that is related to the meds, I think that just is because I was good ole plain upset! I feel a lot better pain wise. I actually got quite a bit done today. I even cleaned the carpets in my house! I feel so much better about how my house looks now! That is one of the most frustrating things for me about my condition is that I am a VERY clean person and to watch my house go downhill... I am blessed to have a hubby and children that will clean up for me, but it is better when I can do it myself. Better emotionally. Thank you for all the prayers! 
Thank you God for a good day! Thank you for the ability to take care of my house. Thank you for the boys to help me move furniture. Thank you for friends lending me the machine to get my carpet clean. Thank you for the medication to help me feel better enough to do these things. Thank you for friends for prayer!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Pray for guys

Well, I guess this post is to ask for you to pray not only for me over the next week, but for my guys as well. I just started a round of steroids. That is good and bad. The good, it should kill this never ending flair... The bad, it makes me feel sick... the ugly, one of the side effects (which from the comment hubby made, I think I get) is a bad case of the grumpies. Not only that, but I should start my cycle any day now.. so, I will have double the grumpies. I am hopeful that I can be spared from this for this weeks so my family doesn't feel the need to duck and cover. Any prayers you can send our way would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support! :D
Thank you Lord for the blessing of medication. Thank you for the Dr's that have the knowledge to help me. Thank you for my family and their willingness to put up with me. Thank you for loving me!

Monday, October 4, 2010

To do list

To do today:
Clean bathroom
Go to store
School kids
Grade school
Make dinner
Wow.... the list can go on and on. Over the years I have had to teach myself the different "to do" lists. There is my list of things I want to/need to do, then there is the list of things that ACTUALLY get done (which could have nothing to do with the list I was PLANNING on getting done) and I have learned over the years that that list of things that does get done, is God's "to do" list. We forget that God has our days planned. Down to the seconds..From what cleaning should I do today... to every breath that we take. I have learned that my personal to do list has changed as well. I am now not as concerned about getting the dishes done or the mopping done.. now my to do list has things on it like, get out of bed. Sit with the kids while they do school. Sometimes that turns into sit in the chair in the living room while they do school. Some days making dinner gets done.. Then I have to put things on my to do list that I never expected to have to list to get done.. like getting out of bed ( I know I already said that.. but who thinks that have to "to do" that?!!?!?) And, then I have to try to stay up until a certain time. The clock hits 3 in the afternoon and I want to fall back into bed and stay there till tomorrow or later.
I want to encourage all the moms out there when you are making your to do list for the day, pray while you are doing it. Ask God to show you what He has planned for your day. Then don't let your list become so important that you are upset if "all" you get done in a day is 1/3 of that. God has the most important things for you to do already mapped out. At the end of the day, you can thank God for ordering your day and helping you complete exactly what He had for you to do!!
Thank you Lord for ordering my life. Thank you for giving me your "to do" list every day. Thank you for giving me the strength to get done what you want me to do every day. Thank you for as little or as much as it feels like to me. Thank you for caring what I do in my day. Thank you for wanting the best for me. Thank you for loving me.