Thursday, July 15, 2010

This week

So.. this week has been a long one. We started school. That has been GREAT! My boys enjoy having something to do to keep them busy for some of the day. They get bored and who can blame them. We also have 3 extra kids here in our day. That isn't bad.. just alot. No wonder my pain level has gone up. But I think God has used this time to show me where I am still lacking in my anger control. I have been BAD when it comes to blowing my top. I hate it. On the other side, I have been better about getting up and doing Bible study every morning. I have been hoping that it will help with that and some other issues in my day... but even if it doesn't, I know it is what I should be doing. I had to take pain meds yesterday morning.. that is the first time I have had to do that in a while and I was FEELING it.. I had a hard time functioning. But, I did make it through my day and I am feeling ok right now. Not great.. pain is still pretty high.. but I am not feeling the need to take meds right now.. which is good since I have to take Ethan to class this morning. He only has 3 more days of class I think... He is really enjoying his class though. I took him yesterday and got him all signed up and ready to retake the math part of the Compass test next Wed. He has to pass that to take Chemistry at ACC. Plus.. he will have to take a college math... and he has to pass it to take that too.
I have been really proud of my two older boys the last several weeks. Ezekiel has been stepping up to the plate and being very very helpful and getting done what he needs to do. Ethan is always happy to drop everything and do what I need him to. He is always there to help me. Asher isn't being bad or anything.. just not as grown up as his brothers at this point. I love when things are like they are now cause when I really need help... it is nice to have it.
Thank you God for this week. Thank you that I have been able to get stuff done. Thank you for my boys being willing and able to help where I need them to. Thank you for giving me your Word so I can learn about you. Thank you.

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