Thursday, January 6, 2011

whine, whine, whine.

I haven't posted in a while because I feel like I do a lot of whining. I know on the one hand that is why I set this up to kind of have a journal of my journey but it seems like there is more complaining than anything. I am trying to be in a good frame of mind and say, this is what my life is like today, good... bad... or ugly, it is what I have to deal with so it is what I need to talk about. Then the other part of me says, "Who wants to see this??" I kinda get in a who cares anyway kind of mode. I know this is just me being emotional and blah, but maybe I am right. Maybe this isn't the best medium for my journaling because who really does want to read about my daily rant about all things frustrating, hard, and ill in my life. I guess part of me hopes that whoever does read this at least prays for me. I do try to talk about things that are good and exciting. Like the biggest thing right now is my son is about to get his drivers license. Wow.. that is a biggie.. :) Well, anyway that is about all I have to say tonight. I am kinda in a funk and really could go on and on for hours... but I won't. hehe. Thanks for "listening"

1 comment:

  1. Tania,

    I enjoy reading your blog--don't find it complaining at all. You are honest, and at the end, you always give praise and thanks to God. I think it must be very difficult to do that when you are in pain. It's not something I'm very good at doing at all! So, your blog encourages me to face whatever challenges come my way as well. And, because of what you write, I know better how to pray for you--and I do!
