Friday, May 7, 2010


Today, was hard. Emotionally. I have been very frustrated with the younger boys. When they are told to clean their rooms, they say they are done.. and I don't remember the last time that when I went to bed it was actually done. I have a hard time going up and down the stairs to check. It makes my pain worse, and I have days that I am soooo exhausted, I have to sit after each thing I do.. shower, lay on the bed... walk down stairs.. sit on the couch... point being, they are taking advantage of my health to get away with disobedience. So today, I decided not to let that go on. My first thought was to go up and check and if it wasn't done, spank them. Every time. no warning, no second chances. If they make me go up the stairs and it isn't clean, they will get spanked. Period. Well, then I thought what if I just take everything out of their rooms except 7 outfits. Including undies and socks and jammies.. and thats it. Clean out their rooms of everything else. I was talking to hubby about it and he said if I did the get everything out thing, he wanted me to make them do it... but that would defeat the whole purpose because I would have to go up and down the stairs to make sure they were packing it all up... So, I decided to go with my original thought and spank. I ended up having to spank both of them a total of 4 times each. Any one that is a mom can understand my frame of mind tonight. stressful day. Physically, I am doing OK. I like days that I am not in so much pain that I can't breathe by the time it is bed time. For obvious reasons. :) I am happy though because I finally got something today that I have wanted for a while. The playroom has been moved upstairs. That means all the mess of the kids will be upstairs.. where I don't have to see it, trip over it... step on it.. try to keep up with it so that if someone knocks on my door I am not embarrassed. This makes me happy. Now I just have to find a TV to put up in the office so we can move all the video games upstairs. Then we will be all set! 8o)  I know one of these days the boys will be gone, and I will have a whole house all to myself to keep however I would like. I am looking forward to that day. I feel like a bad mom for feeling that way, but I just do. I love my kids. A lot! I just know and have always felt, that I am raising men. Trying to teach them to be men of God. Responsible. Caring. Loving. Men. So, I feel like that is my goal.. to get them raised and gone and living their lives.
Thank you God for my kids. Thank you for entrusting me with the care of these boys. Thank you for teaching us how to lovingly train and discipline our  children. Thank you God for the blessing of this house that is roomy enough that we have options of where to put our kids and their stuff.  And my dear Lord God. Thank you for FRIDAY! :D

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