Saturday, May 15, 2010


I am so glad that it is finally Friday!!!  Last day of having the extra kids for the week. I love my little babies, but they are tiring sometimes. Littlest man has been grumpy cause he is trying to get teeth, and Gavin.. well, he is just 3. :) Still having some frustrating issues with Ez and it just makes me want to cry. I just don't get it. I don't know what to do I don't know where we go from here. I don't know how to get him to make better choices. I just don't know. At this point, I am just hoping that the next 5-6 years blow by and he can get on with adulthood and we can breath a sigh of relief. Don't get my wrong. I adore all my kids so so much. I am so thankful that God gave them to me. It is just that sometimes I am so tired and frustrated with trying to help him learn to grow up and learn to make good and right decisions. There are times I wish I could reach into his head and tweak it just enough to get him to control himself! It is hard when I am tired, and frustrated, and just need some peace, and then something is brought to my attention, which is good... I need to know what is going on. I just don't know what else to do. Friday was over all a good day. I got all my laundry done and folded and put away.. that is a HUGE accomplishment. Then I went shopping. I know us ladies are supposed to LOVE shopping... and sometimes I do. I love to go to the mall with my boys. I love to buy fun things... but grocery shopping, at the end of the day... isn't always the greatest for me. It was the perfect time to go though.. I didn't have to take the babies, but I could take Ethan to help me. I got right in to a line and was just the next person.. didn't have to wait forever in a long line. However, I am the person that no matter what will ALWAYS choose the wrong lane... So, the people in front of us were done when I got there... no food on the belt... standing at the cashier looked like they were paying. No one said anything to me as I proceeded to unload my cart. Then, about 10 minutes later, the lane next to us was completely open and those people were still standing there. I asked, how much longer are you going to be and all said we don't know... so Ethan and I switched to the next lane over... With 400$ worth of groceries at Sam's Club... that isn't an easy thing to do! And, of course, as soon as I started moving our stuff over, the manager came over and fixed whatever problem had us waiting all that time... Ah well, you win some.... you loose some. Then the boys all unloaded the van and helped me put the groceries all away. Ethan did the dishes for me last night so I could just go collapse. Good day. Glad it is over. Next is the weekend and time with my honey!! yay!!!!
Thank you God for this day! Thank you for my boys. Thank you for the blessing that they are to me 90% of the time. Thank you for the trials that they put me through so it can help me grow and learn and so I can try to help them grow and learn in You. Thank you for Your Word that shows us how to live and what to do and how to train and discipline. Thank you for my honey that loves me so much and helps me so much. Thank you for him enjoying to be with me and the boys. Thank you that he wants so much and such good things for us. Thank you for giving him the desire to work hard and do well for our family. Thank you for blessing him in his career. Thank you for the money we need to do the things we want to be able to do for my sister and her wedding. Thank you for the weekend!

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