Sunday, May 23, 2010


First time in a while that I have actually written about a day... on that day!! YAY ME! Probably because I have my computer in my room and so I can write while I am in bed! Today was an ok day. Besides feeling like I was left out of something that I really wanted to be a part of, and then getting invited but feeling like it was a pitty invite... then getting over it and deciding to just have fun. Church was good! I was teasing hubby because the pastor taught today on husbands loving their wives, and hubby was on his way to OKC!!!  He made it there safe. I really miss him already. I hate when he leaves me, but... I understand that it is necessary sometimes. I am glad that he has a job that he loves and he can go and do something good for his job and have some "away" time and enjoy himself with co workers. I will just miss him alot. Like I always do! I got a little of the cleaning done today that I wanted to do.. A VERY LITTLE. Got my bathroom MOSTLY done before my body said.. ABSOLUTELY NO MORE!!!  Now I just have to finish my bedroom/bathroom and then I am good till Wed. morning when I have to take on the job I am dreading the MOST... cleaning Ez and Ashers rooms.  SCARY!!! Pain wise, I am doing ok. The pain meds that the Dr. called in for me isn't the 200 MG extended release that I have been taking daily. It is 50 MG pills that I can take 1-2 at a time every 4 hours. So I am just taking it as needed and I am happy to know that I really am not needing it as much as I was worried I would. I have been taking them only at night and have only taken 2 one night. That is a GOOD THING! I am still waiting on the Dr. to go talk to the nutritionist so he can give me the info from her and prescribe me some thyroid meds! I am really frustrated at how long it is taking. I understand his reasoning, that he is wanting to give me info from nutritionist and my meds all at the same time... but really... I could be 2 weeks into taking the thyroid meds!!!!  All in God's perfect timing. I have to keep reminding myself of that! All in God's timing! He knows all and knows when the best and perfect time for me to start a new med is. If He knows I need to wait till after the wedding, then praise Him!!  Praise Him either way! :D 
Thank you Lord that you not only know the best for us, but really CARE about the best for your children. Both best things and timing. Thank you Lord for giving me the strength and patience to wait on you and know that in your perfect time all things will be done! Thank you God for the church family we have here. Thank you Lord for the heart of our pastor and his family and for the beautiful daughter that you gave them who is graduating. Thank you Lord for the example of you that she is to the young girls in our fellowship. Thank you Lord for my sister and Josh and their future together. Thank you for all the family that is coming to be with her on her special day. Thank you for this house that we can fit all the people in to. Thank you God for bed time!!

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